Our Users have frequently requested for a set of Information / Documents that is typically required while registering an Association under the Karnataka Apartment Owners Act – 1972.
Below is the list.
1. Year of Construction of the Apartment Building.
2. Sanction Plans, Approval Plans and Occupancy Certificate of the Apartment Building.
3. No-Objection Certificates from Local Bodies.
4. Sale Deed/s of the Land on which the Apartment Building exists.
5. No. of Owners/Occupants in the Apartment Building and a few Sale Deeds of such owners.
6. Prospective name of the Apartment Association/Society.
Armed with the above information a Meeting can be held to elect the first Office Bearers. The Minutes of the Meeting can also note that By-Laws have been drawn, which will be authorized during the Registration process.
If you are forming a new Association, and require sample By-Laws, you can find them under the Document Repository after logging in to www.apartmentadda.com.
I am looking for a document karnataka apartment ownership rules 1974. Could somebody provide me the same? Thanks.
Hello Bhupendra, did you mean Karnataka Apartment Ownership Act 1972? If so, you will find it here http://dpal.kar.nic.in/.%5C17%20of%201973%20(E).pdf
required full formate of by-lawa under karnataka apartment act 1972 & karnataka apartment ownership rules 1974
Qn: What are the provisions under KAOA 1972 to recover the maintenance amount from the defaulter owner or tenant ?
Can the-committee shall cut the electric or water facility connection temporarily till the default amount to be paid ? This condition is mentioned in the Bye-laws of the Association.
From: Mangalore
We are looking to form an association for the residents at our appartament.
Kindly provide us with the following info as we’ve not been able to get much clarity.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
1)what is the practical difference between Karnataka Societies Registration Act, 1960 and
The Karnataka Apartment Owners Act 1972
2)Is it mandatory to have 100% buy in from all the owners to register an association under
The Karnataka Apartment Owners Act 1972? If yes, is there ‘any’ way to get around this
as it would be very difficult to track all the owners as the Builder may not be very supportive.
3)When and at what stage(and for what purpose) would the builder have to be invovlved in the association
4)Can by laws be added in such a way that the “Karnataka Societies Registration Act, 1960” would ensure
the same conditions provided for by The Karnataka Apartment Owners Act 1972(for eg: The Karnataka Apartment Owners Act 1972
has mention of the maintence fee etc)
5)Any other relevant suggestion you may have
Hi, There is a difference under the societies registration and aparment owners Act. Please call me on 9886111814 for detailed query.
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