2 Tips for Water Sufficiency using ADDA

by ADDA.io
2 Tips for Water Sufficiency using ADDA
2 Days back I woke up to find my Apartment taps completely dry. It was a WTF moment so we neighbors jumped in to combat it with another WTF – the Water Task Force. If this is the case in your Apartment Community as well, we want to make sure you are aware of the Weapons in your Hand to acquire water sufficiency.

Water Sufficiency with Water Billing using ADDA ERP

Controlling Consumption is one of the 2 pillars of Water Sufficiency.
Billing each Apartment according to its Consumption has long proven its
You can do the below
  1. Install Water Meters for Individual Flats.
  2. Enable “Utility Billing” in your ADDA ERP.
  3. If the Meters are Manual, you upload the meter readings every month onto ADDA.
  4. If the Meters are IOT, we integrate with your Meter Vendor *.
  5. In both cases, Water Bills get generated AUTOMATICALLY every month and get sent to Residents.

Residents pay using Mobile Payment (Rs.0 transaction Cost for Bill below Rs.2000!)

Tanker Monitoring using ADDA Gatekeeper

Monitoring Supply and ensuring no pilferage is the other Pillar of Water Sufficiency.
Please do the below
  1. Set up each Water Tanker Vendor as a Regular Visitor on your ADDA GateKeeper
  2. Install a Meter on the Inlet Pipe of your Sump that takes Tanker load.
  3. Upon Check-In of the Tanker, Guard takes a picture of the Meter reading using his GateKeeper app.
  4. Upon Check-Out of the Tanker, Guard again takes a picture.
  5. Both pictures of meter readings are available for each visit of each Tanker.
  6. You can reconcile these against the Bills presented by the Tanker Vendor!

If the Meter is IOT, ADDA integrates with it.

Don’t wait, use the Best Weapons to fight the Water War!
Please Contact us or share your coordinates to call you.
* – ADDA Can also connect you with Vendors for IOT Water Meters.

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