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Purva Riviera

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Community Guidelines

Terms and condition: User has to accept the below terms and conditions inorder to be part of Adda  email communication of Purva Riviera Society.



1)      Sale of any item i.e. anything saleable, Renting, Advertisement or anything leading to commercial activity - 200/- 2 weeks.

2)      Governance :

a)      ADDA will be owned by MC.

b)      MC has all rights to Remove/Add any Individual who violate the code of Conduct(Refer code of conduct)

c)       Action Taken on individual, who’s behavior is inappropriate.

-          1st Time – Warning to discontinue the act

-          After warning still if the violation continue then the ID will be blocked for 2 months. However in case if the individual sends out an apology. MC can revoked 

d)      Membership of ADDA will be based as per Sale Deed. In Tenant case, it’s the Rental Agreement.

3)      Code of Conduct (Membership Definition)

a)      Using of Abusive words are not allowed

b)      Targeting individual  not allowed

c)       Individual communication of Riviera/Rivierians should not be forwarded outside.

d)      Any conversation which disturb the harmony of society is discouraged



·         Any postings on Adda leading to  a commercial / financial activity will  be charged at 200 rupees per posting (eg rentals, sale/purchase, coaching, training programs etc.) The posting will be on Adda display board for 2 weeks.

·         No charges on any charitable activities.

·         Above amount needs to be deposited with in a week of posting in the Purva Riviera office or the same will be added to quarterly maintenance.


·         ADDA  management will be under the purview of  an MC member and the MC retains the right to remove/add membership subject to code of conduct

·         Any members who write/post anything which goes against the code of conduct is given a written warning for the first time. Repeated violations involve suspension of  the member from ADDA for a period of 2 months. MC can revoke the suspension in case of a written apology from the member.

Code of Conduct

·         Using abusive language, personal attacks are a clear violation of code of conduct.

·         Threat mails, pornography, racist or any discriminatory content is  strictly prohibited

·         Very intent of ADDA is to create a communication platform for harmonious living in Purva Riviera and members are advised a strong discretion while sharing / forwarding messages. 

By agreeing to this you are confirming that you understand the forum regulation given above.

Management Committee,
Purva Riviera

Owner Tenant

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