Banish Water InSecurity – Workshop on 21-June



We experienced yet another action-packed Water Workshop on 21-June, Saturday, in Bangalore. The 70+ strong crowd had forward thinking Management Committee Members, Leading Experts in Water Supply, Chief Engineer of BWSSB (Bangalore Water Supply and Sewage Board) and MLA of Karantaka Assembly, in-charge of Bangalore.

Here are the presentations and pictures!

Table of Contents

The Workshop was anchored by Meera K – Co-Founder of

Presentation by Mr. T. Venkataraju, Engineer-in-Chief, BWSSB.



KeyNote by Shri Ramalinga Reddy – Transport Minister of Karnataka & MLA in-charge of Bangalore.



Presentation of the "Rise High" Award to the Tzed Community for Excellence in Initiatives by an Apartment Community.

(L-R) Mr. Alok Kuchlous, Mr. Srinivasan Sekar, Mr. Ramalinga Reddy.


Presentation by Alok Kuchlous, TZed Homes – A Water Neutral Campus



Presentation by Srinivasan Sekar of TZed Homes. Sewage to Potability. 


Panel Discussion with TZed Homes Residents and Builder – Mr. Harikrishna of BCIL/ZED.


Our Token of Thanks for Mr. Harikrishna, presented by Mr. Vishwanath (Zenrainman).

Perhaps the first time a Builder along with Residents from his 5yr+ property got on the same Stage towards Sustainability, and answered tough questions.


During the Panel e asked the Audience, if they were to ask Builders to do anything different in their Constructions with respect to Water, what would that be.

Below is that Wishlist.


Plumbing Lines – Better Accessibility required.
Color Coding of Plumbing lines to identify Drinking, Sewage, Recycled Water, RWH line etc.
Make RWH, STP, WTP functional, to meet full capacity.
Conditions by BWSSB and PCB (Pollution Control Board) to be fully adhered to.
Individual Water Meters for all Flats.
Space provision for STP/Future Expansion.


Discussion on Private Tankers – Lessons Learnt and Challenges – Led by Srinivasan of Springfields


Presentation by S.Vishwanath (ZenRainman)- The Big Picture of Water in Bangalore – The only City in the World without a River Source.


Case Study of RainWater Harvesting in SLS Splendor – Presented by P. Sivakumar 



Case Study of Water Metering in Samhita Square – Presented by James Jacob




Presentation on Innovations in Water Metering – Wireless and Self Powered Water Meters. By Kasturi Rangan, SmartrWater

And Finally, the Credits: The Organizing Team!

 Special Thanks to Ganga of CitizenMatters who was our Bridge to the BWSSB and State Govt.


And just in case you were wondering what those Wine Bottles are. That’s Water in Cleaned-Up Wine Bottles, – a compliment from, who happen to be a Neighbour of Meera/Citizenmatters.



Feedback from the Workshop!

(Thanks all for helping us with both the Positive as well as Scope for Improvement. We are sharing the former here, the latter will remain for our eyes and action only 🙂 Almost everyone had a thing about the Schedule spilling out. We will get better at that! )

"Great imminent speakers, relevant topics, priceless sharing. ( even met an old friend/colleague, Dr Ananth from IIT M)
Many solutions provided to start with and sufficient knowledge imparted
A great step forward to help each other and the society in general."

– Fayaz Gangjee.

"I like the most is that there are different topics considered that deal with water issues. I do not have any specific preference for one above the other."

– Ellen Arun

"Great Event, Well organized & conducted. This will help lot of awareness building."

– P Sivakumar.

"Generally getting to know the technical features of STP, RWH, water management, and to encourage for every one to take the positives and try to implement in their facility, and to know people in similar responsibilities and take cue fro them.  "

-Subramaniam Rajagopalan

"The knowledge-share sessions by groups who have implemented solutions (were good) – The TZed group, the apartments which have implemented RWH and Water metering. I liked Dr.Vishwananth’s session too which set the larger perspective vis-a-vis water issues.

-Vikram Rai

"The three important points that I found very useful were :
     1) Rooftop RWH and filling up the sump tanks after filtration which will reduce stress on borewells and also lessen the tanker dependency (apart from reduced electricity consumption and cost of submersible pump maintenance.
     2) Timer Control and Flow Control for borewells
     3) Water metering solutions to individual flats which will force the occupants to prevent wastage of water and economise on water usage.
The Workshop was well organised and the resource persons were also well qualified to speak on the subject. I particularly liked the talk by Vishwanath and TZED community. I request you to share the Power Point presentations of the respective guest speakers."

-Bhanu A


"Thanks a lot for organizing this workshop… it was awesome. This was my first time and it was very informative and inspiring. Inspiring because a lot of people had actually overcome odds to achieve something incredible. Hope we can actually work on the take aways from the workshop.
I liked every aspect of the workshop including the bwssb presentation !!! It was all very useful."

-Anand Rangarajan

"The presentation of Zenrainman and Dr.Anand was interesting."

– Syed Minhaj


"This was indeed a wonderful experience. Thanks for that. Appreciate a TON.

1) The different sessions that covered current water situation, BWSSB Plan from the Chief Engg, STP, RWH and Case studies were all excellent. I liked all most all the different sections/sessions.

2) I felt, involving someone from the Govt (may be some minister) is useful, only if they are engaged, interested into the workshop. They should be ready to take questions as well. However I appreciate your efforts to get these highly busy individuals to the workshop. "

-Amit Shirbhate


PS: If you ever wondered why ADDA – a Software Company does these workshops, this Slide from one of the Presentations explains!

We love to see Participants of this Workshop, present their Case Study in the next Workshop!

PPS: For more Pics and follow-ups do stay tuned to our Facebook page!

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1 comment

Can Omniprocessor help Water Scarcity in Apartments? | ADDA Blog - The #1 Housing Society Software January 16, 2015 - 10:50 am

of course, they wish the Technology could be less cumbersome to maintain.

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