ADDA GateKeeper App: For Gated Apartment Community Security Guards

by Krishanu

In gated communities of all sizes, from standalone buildings to luxury apartment complexes with lavish facilities, the overall responsibility of ensuring safety of residents are entrusted to security guards.

Though the presence of Security Guards itself acts as a deterrent to miscreants, yet its’s not hard to get into an apartment complex and commit any wrong doing as is evident from some recent cases across Indian cities.

This is mainly because security guards are usually not equipped with the right tools to help them perform their activities effectively.

ADDA GateKeeper, equips the Security Guards with the right tools at the gate and also connects the security guards seamlessly with residents and management committee members, so that the security guards can quickly jump into action when required

gatekeeper security flow chart

The GateKeeper App in the hands of the Security Guards helps them with the following:

1) Faster Check-in of Visitors

With most data towards visitor check in, visitors are checked in faster. Also, many visitors remain pre entered in the system like frequent visitors, expected visitors, who can be checked in with a single screen tap.

frequent visitors gatekeeper

expected visitors gatekeeper

2) Mobile – Intercom

Ability to call Residents on their phones in case intercom goes unanswered/intercom is not present

Resident Screen gatekeeper

3) Ability to monitor overstay of visitors

Security Guards will get alerted when visitors (delivery boys, service men, etc.) are overstaying inside the complex. They can then call the visitors and ask them to report to the security gate.

visitor overstay gatekeeper

4) Secure visitor data entry

Visitor’s photo can be captured for providing an extra level of security. Also, all contact details entered by the visitors can be verified.

5) Ability Verify Residents Vs Visitors

With all residents having an ID card on their phone, they can validate residents using the GateKeeper App and regulate access inside the gate, club house, etc.

6) Faster, fool proof check in/out of staff

With ADDA GateKeeper being seamlessly integrated with ADDA master staff database, all staff data updates, new entries becomes automatically available in GateKeeper, enabling faster check in/out. Also, any update on staff, like blacklisting, becomes instantly available to security guards.

staff in gatekeeper

7) Brings back Focus on Safety

With ADDA GateKeeper system providing residents visibility into the security gate, they can themselves now check the attendance of their staff, add expected visitors, through the App; thus security guards are freed from answering residents over the intercom on the same and are freed up to concentrate on the security of the complex.

Read more about benefits of ADDA GateKeeper:

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