ADDA’s 12th Workshop was held on 19th March, 2016 in TERI Auditorium, Bangalore. This visionary workshop targeted to Management Committee members of Apartment Complexes was again a huge success with 100+ Management Committee members attending the workshop.
This workshop was organised in association with I Got Garbage (A Mindtree Initiative). Co-Sponsors for workshop were 360 Ride, Hi Care and BetterPlace.
The day’s proceedings started with a welcome note and introduction session by San Banerjee, CEO and Co Founder, ADDA. The attendees also introduced themselves and talked about their expectation from the workshop.
“Apartment owners invest hard earned money in property worth crores. While buying however, we do not realise that we are also buying common property worth multiple crores. This however dawns when the builder moves out and the responsibility of maintaining this property comes to a set of residents; the Society Association. These people are however, not civil engineers, they do not have background in property management. Therefore, there is a huge struggle now to manage the apartment complex properly,”
said San, talking about the need for a cost effective online portal with Society ERP and Community Building Tools with built in best practices to manage an apartment complex.
She also took the audience on a quick tour of our previous workshops and how they had been extremely helpful to the attendees. The below video is on San’s introduction speech writing.
Next was a session by I Got Garbage (A Mindtree Initiative) on waste management. Karan, from the IGG team delved deep into the problem of waste management and also how through their platform they are making sure that they improve the livelihood of ragpickers, the end benifieciary in the waste generation and disposal cycle. Some facts:
- 188,500 tons of waste is generated every day in India
- Open Burning of solid waste generates 22000 tons of pollutants per year in Mumbai alone
- More than 1.5 million people depend directly or indirectly on waste for their livelihood
- Proper disposal is equally important as segregation. If not disposed properly, though some upfront cost is saved, there is money we loose as doctor’s fees as improper waste disposal effects health of us and our family
- For doing proper waste management, cost per apartment household is about Rs. 250 per month
The below video captures the engaging discussion on waste management between the Management Committee members and the I Got Garbage Team.
To all our readers: What do you think of our sessions? Do you have any suggestions, comments? Post your thoughts and comments below.