Stay At Home Moms – The Power Packed, Talent Pool


Women have always been considered as the backbone of a family. And why wouldn’t they be? In their presence, children bloom, spouses excel at their careers and the sacrifices such women make are what gives the entire family that extra push.

Very often, we see working women quit successful jobs to become happy homemakers. These are skilled, educated women who can achieve anything they want because they are a powerhouse of talent. So imagine if all such women in a gated community came together in their spare time, the things they could achieve are endless!

So if you are a ‘Stay At Home Mom’ with time to spare, and if you live in a gated community, here are some things that you could do.

1. Hobby Classes

Platforms like ADDA revolve around the goal of bringing people together in a gated society. Make use of it. Connect with other ‘Stay At Home Moms’ and form your own groups. Your skills could be used to conduct classes or organizing events.

Women who have a passion for baking or designing or any such skill can even earn an income if they put up their services on the notice board. The demand for such skills is immense these days. Leverage it!

2. Play dates

Unlike previous decades, the number of children in each family is coming down. Sometimes, school isn’t enough to develop your child’s social skills. You could connect with fellow moms and arrange play dates of your children to come together and have some fun.

Single children often feel very lonely in apartments. This would be an opportunity to bring them out of their shells.

3. Fairs & Carnivals

Once you form a group with the ladies in your society and the head count is sufficient enough, you can conduct a fair or a carnival and generate an income selling your collective skills. There are moms who can design clothes, jewellery, paint, bake or even ones who work as resellers.

This could help you raise some money which can be used to develop your group further!

4. Connect with working moms

There are large no. of ‘Stay At Home Moms’ who are struggling to get back to work because their children are no longer dependent on them 24hrs a day. Using the ADDA app, you can connect with working moms and network with them to hunt suitable job opportunities.

A platform such as ADDA is immensely powerful in connecting people. Instead of depending on the Internet alone to hunt jobs, use ADDA to connect with working moms who can then refer you to jobs.

5. Form a business

If you’ve got the right team, SAHMs can form a small business from within the four walls of their homes. Many such success stories are available on the Internet today to provide you with inspiration. Mothers have come forward to form catering business, party decoration stores and even startups that provide valuable and interesting services. If you have the inspiration and the right guidance, anything can be achieved.

Sky’s The Limit, Ladies!

There’s a saying that goes like this – Hell hath no fury like that of a woman scorned. While nobody is scorning SAHMs, the same saying applies to inspired women too. If you have the ADDA app, nothing can stop a group of ladies who have come together to get things done.

All the best ladies. Nothing is impossible. One tiny push and a single step is all it takes to get started!

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