5 Natural Snake Repellents for your Community

by ADDA.io
natural snake repellents

Snakes, like every other living creature are an essential part of the natural world. Believe it or not, they actually help keep pest populations in check. But that doesn’t mean that they are a pleasant sight when they are found lurking around near our homes. Although the occurrence of venomous snake bites are quite rare, they can be lethal and dangerous when they actually do occur. Non-venomous snake bites too can be painful and potentially lead to infection or illness. Therefore, it is advisable to first eliminate all those factors that actually attract them in the first place. So here are 5 natural snake repellents to avoid any unforeseen encounters with these creatures! 

Also, head over to this blog to read about To-Dos and What-Not-To-Dos in the event of a snake bite. 

1. Get Rid of Pests

Snakes and other reptiles are more likely to be found in places that are infested with pests. Naturally, these places will serve as a food source for them. Therefore, it makes sense to get rid of these pests such as lizards, insects, rats etc. Once you eliminate the food sources attracting them to habitats that support these pests, it’s likely that they may leave that area and move to another place in search of food sources. 

2. Clear Debris

Ideally, snakes are drawn towards places that are dark, damp places and known to live in cracks, crevices and holes. Eliminating such places will prevent snakes from taking up residence. We recommend that you repair any cracks and holes that you find in your community upon careful inspection. Repair any damaged gutters, piping, ventilation ducts, damaged screens on door and windows. Anything near structures like mulch, shrubs, woodpiles etc., may harbour snakes or their food sources. Clearing debris from around your buildings and homes can be one the best preventative and natural snake repellents out there.

3. Practice Regular Gardening

Have you ever considered the possibility that your community’s garden could be prone to snakes? Making changes to your garden’s landscape can perhaps deter such snakes from making their way in. The length of the grass should always be kept short. You can also consider installing snake-proof fencing. Using materials like egg shells and gravels around the garden area can make it difficult for snakes to slither their way in. Also, avoid overwatering your lawn since moisture could attract what snakes like to eat (rodents, frogs, insects etc.). Alternatively, you could plant Marigold, lemongrass and wormwood which are known to repel snakes. Mother in Law’s Tongue/Snake is also a plant that is one of the effective natural snake repellents.

4. Using Natural Snake Repellents from your kitchen

The key to repelling snakes lies in your kitchen too! Here are a few natural products you can use to keep these slithery creatures at bay:

  • Garlic and Onions – Like many creatures, snakes dislike the sulfonic acid in garlic and onions. You can use these either by mixing with rock salt and sprinkling them or infuse them in oil for a few weeks, strain it use this to spray around where snakes are known to hide. 
  • Clove and Cinnamon Oil – Clove and Cinnamon oil can be mixed together and sprayed directly onto snakes. However this must be used with caution as snakes can run in the opposite direction of the spray. 
  • Vinegar – Vinegar works wonders at repelling snakes especially around water bodies. You can pour white vinegar around the perimeter of the swimming in your community. 
  • Lime You can create a mixture of snake repellent lime and hot pepper or peppermint and pour it around the perimeter of your community or property. Snakes detest the smell of the mixture and the fumes are also itchy on their skin. 
  • Sulfur and Ammonia – Powdered sulfur is quite powerful when it comes to repelling snakes. You can place powdered sulfur around your home or property. This is actually irritating for the snakes when they slither over it. However, Sulfur tends to give off a strong odour and one should wear a mask that covers the nose and mouth while using it. Snakes dislike the odour of Ammonia too, so you can spray it in any potential areas where snakes tend to give a visit. 

5. Relocate Snakes

If nothing seems to work, you can set non-lethal traps to catch the snakes and release them humanely in a new location far away from your home. However this is something that should be dealt with by calling an expert. We don’t recommend that you do this without an expert.  

Chemical Snake Repellents are always available but they can pose serious risks to people, pets, or the environment if they are no used properly. You can read more here.  

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