Life of a Purchase Request – until today:
1. The Estate Manager fills the Hardcopy Purchase Request Form.
2. Reaches out to the first Approver to know their availability inside the campus/Association office.
3. Meets up with the first Approver face-to-face and gets signature.
4. Reaches out to the second Approver to know their availability inside the campus/Association office.
5. Meets up with the second Approver face-to-face and gets signature.
6. If there is a third Approver required, repeats steps 4 & 5.
7. Raises Invoice with the closed Purchase Request.
Life of a Purchase Request – today onward:
1. Estate Manager creates the softcopy Purchase Request on ApartmentAdda
In the background: ApartmentAdda sends email to the list of Approvers (any number) chosen by the Estate Manager. The Approvers can provide their input (Approval or Rejection), just by logging to ApartmentAdda, from wherever they are! On receiving the minimum stipulated approvals, the Purchase Request is closed and is ready to be Invoiced with.
2. Estate Manager views the Approved Purchase Request and raises the Invoice. The Invoice is automatically tagged with the PR.
Here are the benefits of the Purchase Request on ApartmentAdda:
1. Purchase Request approvers need not be physically present in the campus to approve Purchase Requests.
2. Time needed for a Purchase decision is cut short, without compromising on due diligence.
3. Automatic linking of the Purchase Request with the Invoice leaves an Audit Trail. This makes the Invoice processing also quicker.
Sweet. Isn’t it. Just in time for Diwali! 🙂
Check it out on Admin Dashboard > Expense Tracker.