Community Management Software – Two Revolutions around the Sun!

by Vishnu

ADDA completes Two Years of causing delight to Home Owners, Tenants and Association Offices!

With twenty four months of listening to our customers and curating the application suite, ADDA has become India’s leading Community Management Software with communication, management & [tag]accounting portal[/tag] for MDUs, with the maximum paying customers.

In the year that was, ADDA has taken three giant steps towards building the ecosystem that serves MDUs:

1. Estate Managers’ Workshops

Making Estate Managers tech savvy, imparting a computing skill that is unique to their profession, and building a community that shares knowledge and helps each other grow in their work life. [Link]

2. Discover

Providing the vendors for Facility Management, Security Services etc. a  presence on a targeted platform where Association Offices can find their offerings and USPs easily.[Link]

3. Payment Gateway in Community Management Software

ApartmentAdda became the only portal with which a Residential Association in India can use a Payment Gateway for Residents to remit payment to the Association.[Link]

Today, we take the opportunity to thank all our users who spoke about us in the Media, to their colleagues at the coffee machines, and even fought battles in Association meetings to get their people on Adda!  We march ahead with the support and confidence that our users vest in us.

ADDA - Schedule Free Demo

Three cheers to the Two years!

Community Management Software - Two Revolutions around the Sun!

ADDA turns Two!

Note: MDU  = Multi Dwelling Unit.

Also, read about Why Should An Apartment Management Software Be A Resident’s Best Friend?

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Lt Col Jacob November 13, 2010 - 9:00 pm

Congratulations! Keep it going great guns

Anandh November 15, 2010 - 10:34 am

Happy Birthday, and wishing you a great year ahead.

Janapriya abodes

San November 16, 2010 - 8:54 am

Hello Lt Col Jacob, Thank you! We’ll sure try our best, and add the roses in as well!

Hello Anandh, thank you for your wishes and support.

Warm Regards,

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