Wishlist for Housing Society AGMs

by Vishnu

It is April, and it is AGM time. While you get ready to ensure your Housing Society Management System – ADDA’s Admin Reports are ready to be shared or printed, we have a wishlist that you could present in your AGM for approval.

This wishlist has some simple resolutions, which if passed, will make the life of you – the Management Committee as well as the Resident – easier.  This wishlist is needed, in order to infuse necessary modernization to the typically traditional By-Laws of a Society.

1.  Get a Simple Late Payment Penalty structure in place.

We recommend the Annual Interest Rate, computed by the Day. E.g., 21%/Annum Interest.  If a Person has an outstanding amount of Rs.699 for 2 days, he pays Rs. 21* (2/365) * Rs.699.   Simple.

If you have a structure like Rs.25/day, it is simple but not fair, as it is not proportionate to the outstanding. Chances are that you chose this structure to start with as your calculation was done manually and it had to be over-simplified. With your ADDA’s automatic penalty calculation, you can now move to the least disputed method.

If you have complex structures e.g., dual due dates, daily flat rate not proportionate to the outstanding, tolerance based computation etc., please please re-consider them. Your Society office staff are stretched. Busy Apartment Dwellers as well as Automated systems love Simple, Fair and Elegant Structures!

2. Votes from Housing Society Management System – Decision Maker

Votes collected on the Society’s Official Online Portal, will be considered for Decision Making, in absence of the feasibility to hold Physical Meetings”.

Please add this or a similar clause to your By-Laws. Will save you a lot of answering of questions about using basic technology.

3. Do away with Receipt/Invoice printouts for everyone.

Maintain a list of people who genuinely need the Society office to give them receipt printouts. Save Trees, that’s why you use ADDA!

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4. “The Management Committee is authorized to send relevant communication by SMS to ALL members.”

Another clause to be added in your By-Laws. This will explicitly ensure that there are no TRAI objections to your sending SMS from your Society’s Official Portal.

They say Gods typically grant only 3 wishes. We are stretching our luck with 4. All the Best! 🙂

Related Post:

How to use ADDA for managing AGMs in your Apartment Complex

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m.n.aggarwal April 7, 2012 - 11:11 pm

There can be no second opinion about it. Even maintence charges should be payable on line by credit card or automatic ECS payment. Residents outside the country can avail this facility.

SM Ravipati April 8, 2012 - 1:14 pm

Nice points. Members should agree without any second thought.

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