Block Level Accounting – Advanced Association / Society Accounting Architecture


Is your Community structured in the below way?

One Large Association and multiple large blocks that are best tracked separately?

Large Communities have unique challenges when it come to Association Management.

Below is a way that many large Communities structure themselves.

Each Block maintains its own Bank Account. Sometimes it’s own Books of Accounts / P&L as well!

The Clubhouse / Sports Facility is maintained separately with its separate Bank or Accounting.

The Common Expenses are to be Maintained separately with its separate Bank and Books of Accounts !

So, basically 3 levels of Books of Accounts.

multi level accounting + bank accounts for communities

Not that complex and expected from a good ERP right?

Yes, UNLESS you need the Resident to have a SINGLE view of all the above! On their single App without having to log in to multiple views!

This is where the clean Beauty of the ADDA App comes in!

ADDA App screenshot for owners tenants

Right on the ADDA App, the Resident gets a Single View, where they see Invoices from their Block Books of Accounts. They pay, payment makes automatic entries to the Block Books of Accounts.

On the same view they can book Amenities and pay to the Clubhouse Books of Accounts!
And so on…!

They can also see their Common Gate Update. Receive the Common Announcements, Book Helpdesk Requests managed by their common Helpdesk Team!

If you need this “Block Level Accounting” Solution contact us here

Is your Large Scale Community structured differently? Talk to us, our Advanced ERP Architecture as well as Advanced GateKeeper Architecture may be able suggest just the right solution for you!

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