Preserve Privacy of Guests. Phone Numbers not Mandatory.

by Vishnu

Over past few weeks, there have been serious concerns related to data privacy of Visitors, specially Guests.

The main concern was the personal Contact Details of the Guests that gets stored in:

  1. Association’s Database
  2. Central Visitor Database maintained by few Visitor Management systems.

ADDA has always refrained from #2. We have never maintained central Visitors database. There is no justification of why a Guest’s phone number should become available to all Apartment Complexes without their consent or even knowledge.

In any case, we listened to the concern of #1 as well.

So if your Apartment Community is using ADDA GateKeeper, you can pre-enter your guest in your ADDA app – WITHOUT ENTERING THEIR PHONE NUMBER AT ALL!

The Guest receives the OTP and just provides that at the Gate. The Guard does not ask for Phone Number, because there’s no Phone number field for pre-authorised guests!

ADDA GateKeeper
Safeguarding Privacy

Do check out the flow!

Step 1: Add your Guest right on ADDA app
Provide Name of Expected Guest
Step 2: Provide Name and additional Members. Phone number is not mandatory.
Provide Date of Guest's arrival on ADDA app
Step 3: Provide the Date of Guest’s Arrival
Receive Gust OTP on ADDA app
That’s all! The Guest has been Pre-Authorised! You can Whatsapp or SMS the OTP to the Guest
Guard enters Expected Visitor OTP in ADDA GateKeeper
Guard View: Step1 – Guest arrives and provides OTP. Guard enters OTP in ADDA GateKeeper app
Check In Expected Visitor
Detail entered by you shows up. No Phone Number. Guard checks the Guest in.
Security View: Guest info with the Apartment Unit they are going to – is available.

Go ahead! Make your Guests feel welcome!

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