How to Track Vaccination Status of your Community?


India has achieved the miraculous feat of vaccinating 50% of its Adult population. The 50% mark is reassuring when cases of Indians being infected with the Omicron variant are being reported.

However, the government has mandated that only doubly-vaccinated people be allowed into all public places like malls, cinemas etc. In the light of this mandate, the Karnataka Government has instructed all Apartment Owner’s Associations to only allow entry of people who have taken both doses. This could likely end up being the norm for the rest of the Indian states too.

At a time like this, it would be highly convenient for a community to know about the Vaccination status of its residents at any given point. We are glad to inform you that the ADDA App already has a feature in place that gives a Bird’s Eye view of the entire community’s Vaccination Status – The COVID Vaccine Tracker!

How does the Vaccine Tracker Work?

  • The Vaccine tracker helps record the vaccination status of each and every resident.
  • The tracker is also beneficial to communities conducting Vaccine Drives as it eliminates the hassle of data collection and updation.
  • Admins can find the Vaccine Tracker under Admin > Units & Users > Reports > Vaccine Tracker Report
Vaccine tracker

Planning a Vaccine Drive in your Community? Read this blog to know how you can do it hassle free with the COVID Vaccine Tracker!

What’s New?

ADDA GateKeeper will soon have the option to mark Vaccination Status of Visitors at the Gate! (Refer screenshot below):

  • The Guards at the gate can easily check and mark the vaccination status before their entry is allowed into the premises.
  • This wonderful addition would reassure the residents of the safety of their visitors – either for parcels, their house-help, or their own kin.

GateKeeper also has a functionality that records the Staff Temperature at the Gate! Read more about it here.

Why is the COVID Vaccine Tracker more Beneficial than ever?

  • In a situation where the uncertainty of the COVID-19’s new variant lurks, it helps to be doubly reassured of your community’s precautionary measures.
  • The ADDA Vaccine Tracker is one such feature that instills a sense of safety among the residents.
  • By keeping tabs on the current vaccination status of the community, it encourages residents with a single dose to get their second jab and complete their vaccination.

To know more about the Tools on ADDA for Communities to fight COVID-19, click here!

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1 comment

adam strick December 28, 2021 - 7:18 am

Great share!

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