Waste Management workshop for Apartments

by Vishnu

On 13-Oct-2012, ADDA and DailyDump together concluded an info-packed workshop on Solid Waste Management, exclusive for Apartment Complexes.

Case-Studies from 8 Apartment Complexes were shared. These Apartment Complexes that started Waste Management initiatives years before it was a law and were represented were:

National Games Village, Sobha Aster, Tzed Homes, Sterling Brookside, WaterWoods, Diamond District, Godrej Woodsman Estate & Platinum City.

The Daily Dump team performed brief skits between presentations as well as clarified the common perceptions,e.g., composting is a stinking affair.

Check out the Case Studies here.

Some of the main takeaways from the workshop:

1. Dedicated committee & budget must be committed to garbage segregation enforcement

2. Multiple awareness campaigns must be conducted

3. Penalties for defaulters & rewards for the early adopters must be structured

4. Block champions for garbage segregation enforcement must be appointed.

An important point to be noted was that Residents must not be asked to drop their garbage at designated dumps but garbage collection must happen from their doorstep – this is a must to enforce garbage segregation within the home.

The highpoint in the workshops was a surprise session by Ms. Salma Fahim – Addl. Commissioner, SWM, BBMP. She outlined the Waste Management infrastructure of BBMP, clarified the recent garbage segregation rule and answered several questions from the Audience in a 40 minute session. The audience was highly appreciative of her proactive involvement as well as the assurance of full support conveyed by her. Email-ID, BBMP Facebook page on this topic and the Number to send SMS to, were shared. Ms. Salma said “It is a true joy to see that the presenting Apartment Complexes were doing the right thing (Garbage segregation) even before it became a rule”.

The Workshop was attended by around 70 Apartment Owners Associations along with Developers like Prestige, Total Environment & NCC, as well as the Electronics City Industries Association.

Do find all resources at the end of this post!



BBMP Addl. Commissioner, SWM

Badge for speakers


Here are all the Presentations and Resources from the Workshop.

Very useful links:

An AWESOME Wiki: https://sites.google.com/site/managingwaste/

Direction to follow the BBMP’s Notice on Waste Management: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AvQW_bmVqueddEZNYXpmY2F0WXhQMjZCSzNZS2E0OVE

BBMP’s Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/BBMP-Speak-on-Solid-Waste-Management/364261033651327

Solid Waste Management Round Table: http://www.swmrt.com/

Customizable Poster for your Download:

Waste Management Poster_V.4

Poster View. Print the PDF version, and fill the white boxes with specifications on how the Residents in your Complex must segregate the particular Waste Category. Get as visual as possible for easy recall!

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hari October 16, 2012 - 11:48 am

Very informative. Kudos to Daily Dump team!

Raghunathan KC October 16, 2012 - 7:14 pm

Quick and nice brief, with lots of useful links…thanks for the effort and organizing this….best regards

san October 17, 2012 - 7:26 pm

Thank you, Hari, Raghunathan KC

Steel Hopper November 7, 2012 - 9:41 am

Kudos for the customizable poster. It’s a great idea and I’m sure this will help a lot of people 😀

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